Friday, August 17, 2012

Measuring my life’s success

Was thinking - I am in my deathbed, and looking back at my life’s journey. Will I be able to have a peaceful death, contended by what I have done in my life?

Will I be happy and satisfied if I do well in my career, become rich, give good education for my children and secure their life? (which in the current circumstances looks achievable!) Wouldn’t I feel guilty that I didn’t make use of the opportunities and brand name I had for the betterment of the world around me? Isn’t it totally selfish on my part to enjoy the comforts and not indulge in any selfless act which could help iron out the inconsistencies in the society?

I would be happy and contended at my death bed if in the world around me 

  • One does not see another different from oneself on the basis of religion/caste/looks  and people realize that all these distinctions have been nothing but a mockery
  • Every child has access to good nourishment and education
  • Children and encouraged to keep their mind open with wonder and awe than close it with mediocre answers and they grow with a free mind not curtailed by the stereotyped thought process which enslaves it for a lifetime.
  • Moral and civic sense is rooted in empathy and mutual respect and not in religious dogmas
  • People realize that every profession & every individual is necessary for our existence and we must support each other and hand hold the weaker section
  • Individual freedom assumes a supreme position as against societal norms
  • Court of justice gives verdict based on facts and rationale rather than religious sentiments or compromises 
  • An individual is respected not based on the money that he has but on what he contributed back to the society
I assume it is my responsibility to work towards this state and help people come out of the age old chains. I would consider my life a failure if I didn’t strive hard for the world to be such a place.

~ Blog post triggered by the Assam, Bombay, Bangalore incidents and discussions I had with a few friends.
~ Feeling really sad at the way people distinguish themselves from others based on make-believe boundaries.


Anonymous said...

nice post !!

Anonymous said...

Your web page doesn't render well in browser :(

Vinumon S said...

Thanks :)
Regarding format, I have corrected it now, was some issue with template

Raghav Karnani said...

Very valid sentiments and of prime importance in today's India.

Vinumon S said...


Rejath said...

Good 2 c dat u back in action :)

Vinumon S said...


Anonymous said...

for some reason missed out on checkng tis part of ur page for a while.
strive @ wat u believe
again a gr8 write up dear

Anonymous said...

for some reason left out on checking this space of urs...
strive @ for wat u believe in ...
its smthn v all wud want at the bottom of our heart... bt out of numerous reasons v jst tend to fall apart & tend to think of ourselves only...
good write up as usual... :)

Anonymous said...

for some reason left out on checking this space of urs...
strive @ wat u believe in... at hearts many of us do also wish the same but cuz of numerous reasons v fall apart & tend & prefer to think abt ourselves only...
good write as usual... keep at it... :)